Leap phase 3

The third and the final phase of the LEAP 23/24 leadership program was successfully completed. This two-day leadership program took place on 16th and 17th of March at Welanhinna Vidyalaya, Welanhinna, Haputale.

The first day of the LEAP program commenced with a warm introduction and motivational speech by the principal of Welanhinna Vidyalaya. As the initial step, Leos organized the students into several groups and engaged them in various specially designed games aimed at teaching and enhancing leadership skills. Activities such as Name Writing, Traffic Jam, Barrier Walk and Number Touching were among the games conducted for the students. After the lunch break, we did some fun activities with the students followed by an enjoyable evening highlighted by a bonfire and a drama competition.

The following day commenced with a physical training session aimed at improving the students' physical fitness. Subsequently, students participated enthusiastically in a treasure-hunting game where they eagerly searched for clues to uncover hidden treasures. Later the students showcased their cooking skills in a noodle cooking competition. At the end of the two-day program, a special ceremony was held to recognize and award students who excelled in the leadership activities. 

Both teachers and students expressed their happiness and gratitude, acknowledging the positive impact of the camp on their personal development. 

With that UoMLeos successfully completed all three phases of this outstanding leadership program.


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