ImagineX - Where Dreams Become Innovations

 ImagineX was an innovative workshop series designed for school students to promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. This was organized by Leo Club of University of Moratuwa to create a mindset among students to utilize modern technologies and enhance their imagination and innovation skills to create new solutions. The workshop series happened via Zoom and lasted for four sessions starting from February 1st.

The initial session delved into programming, laying the foundation for students to understand coding principles and computational thinking. Then, they explored robotics where they learned about machines and how they work. The third session was all about the Internet of Things (IoT) which is about how everyday objects can be connected to the internet. Lastly, students learned about entrepreneurship which is a session about how to turn your innovative ideas into successful ventures.

 At the end of the workshop series students got to participate in ‘Ideathon’ where they got to share their creative ideas through video submissions. The workshop series not only provided a thorough understanding of these topics but also offered a gateway for students to expand their knowledge and promote entrepreneurship.

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