නොනිමි සෙවනැලි

 2004 වසරේදි රුදුරු සුනාමි සැඩ පහරින් අප අතරින් වියෝ වු  ආදරණීයන් 
මතකාවර්ජනයට මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජය විසින් සංවිධානය කරනු ලැබූ බෞද්ධ, දමිල හා කිතුනු ආගමික සහෝදර සහෝදරියන්ගේ මූලිකත්වයෙන්  සිදුකරනු ලැබූ පුන්‍යානුමෝදනා වැඩසටහන් මාලාව 2023 දෙසැම්බර් මස 26 වන දින ආගමික ස්ථාන කිහිපයක් කේන්ද්‍ර කරගනිමින් සිදු කරනු ලැබුනි.

එදින නුවරඑළිය දික්ඔය පිල්‍යාර් කොවිල, වේවල ශාන්ත ලාසරස් දේවස්ථානය සහ ශ්‍රී විජයාරාම බෝධිය යන ස්ථාන කේන්ද්‍ර කර ගනිමින් මෙම පුන්‍යානුමෝදනා වැඩසටහන් මාලාව සිදු කරන ලදි.

සුනාමි ව්‍යසනයෙන් අප අතරින් වියෝවු ඒ ආදරණීයන් හට පුන්‍යානුමෝදනාවන් එක් කරන්නට සංවිධානය කරන ලද මෙම වැඩසටහන මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලීය ලියෝ සමාජයේ සහෝදර සහෝදරියන් රැසකගේ දායකත්වයෙන් සාර්ථක කරගැනීමට හැකිවිය.

නාද අත්වැල

 පු/ කොට්ටුකච්චිය මහා විද්‍යාලයීය සෞන්දර්ය අංශයේ සංගීත භාණ්ඩ අලුත්වැඩියා  කිරීමේ ව්‍යාපෘතිය, “නාද අත්වැල” මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජයේ තවත් එක් සමාජ මෙහෙවරක් ලෙස දියත් කරන ලදී.

2023 දෙසැම්බර් මස 18 වන දින එම විද්‍යාලයේ සෞන්දර්‍ය අංශයට නව ගොඩනැගිල්ලක් විවෘත කිරීමේ උත්සවයක් පැවති අතර එහිදී ලියෝ අප හට උණුසුම් පිළිගැනීමක් ලැබුණු අතර අප විසින්, අලුත්වැඩියා  කරන ලද සංගීත භාණ්ඩ විද්‍යාලය වෙත භාරදීම සිදු විය. මේ සඳහා විද්‍යාලයේ විදුහල්පති ඇතුලු ගුරු මඩුල්ල ද සිසු සිසුවියන් මෙන්ම ආදී ශිෂ්‍යයන්ද සහභාගි විය.

විද්‍යාලයීය ආදී ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමය විසින් අපගේ මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතියේ සාර්ථකත්වය පිළිබඳ ඇගයීමට ලක් කළ අතර ඉදිරි කටයුතු සඳහා සුභාශිංසන එකතු කරන ලදී.




Leo Club of University of Moratuwa launched an impactful project "Codextalgia," which is aimed at improving the coding skills of A-level grade 12 students. This project was mainly planned and executed in four schools: Piliyandala Central College, Prince of Wales College - Moratuwa, Mahinda Rajapaksha College - Matara and St. Thomas College - Matara.

The primary focus of Codextalgia was to introduce students to the basics of Python programming and underscore its significance after A-levels. Python, known for its simplicity and versatility is a valuable skill in today's digital age. It provides various career opportunities in data science, artificial intelligence and software development.

The success of Codextalgia can be attributed to its phased approach. The interactive nature of the sessions kept the students engaged and motivated throughout the program. Overall, Codextalgia not only equipped students with practical coding skills but also instilled in them a passion for learning and exploring the world of programming. As these students progress in their academic and professional journeys, the knowledge and experience gained from Codextalgia will be a solid foundation for their future careers.



 Leo Club of University of Moratuwa conducted the project  "Den of Kings - Phase II" on 6th of December via Zoom for the enthusiastic school children. This event transformed into a chess workshop expertly guided by Mr. Sanjaya Chandrarathne, a renowned Chess Instructor and National Arbiter.

The response from the school children was overwhelmingly positive expressing gratitude for the invaluable insight gained during the workshop. Many remarked on the opportunity's greatness, highlighting its impact on their understanding of chess.

Mr. Sanjaya Chandrarathne, the Chess instructor expressed his willingness to contribute further by sharing a PDF with the students. This gift aims to encourage them to continue learning and practicing chess beyond the workshop.

The project "Den of Kings - Phase II" was not merely a project, it was a successful expedition that empowered school children with a newfound skill marking a memorable chapter in their learning journey.


Hoop, It Sharks- Empower Girls through Basketball

 Leo Club of University of Moratuwa was able to successfully launch another exciting project. Hoop, It Sharks, a basketball workshop designed exclusively for girls.  This is done with the collaboration of University of Moratuwa Women's basketball team. The main objective of this project is to increase the girl’s participation in basketball. 

 This event was held on 6
th of November from 6.00 p.m. onwards at the New Gymnasium in University of Moratuwa. During this project, the participants were able to get a fundamental knowledge about skills and techniques to gain in basketball. They were also able to engage in thrilling, fun games on the court. These fun games are specially designed to build team spirit and promote physical fitness among the girls. To ensure the participants remained refreshed and energized, delightful snacks and refreshments were provided throughout the workshop. 

The active involvement of the UOM Women's Basketball Team further elevated the event to extraordinary heights. This well-organized and engaging session reflects Leo Club of the University of Moratuwa's commitment to promoting the love of basketball and healthy competition among girls.

Leap 23/24

 Leap is not about being the best. It is about making everyone else best.

In an exciting achievement, the Leo Club of the University of Moratuwa successfully conducted an exceptional leadership camp at Weragama Vidyalaya, Wadduwa. This two-day event, held on October 21st and 22nd, welcomed the participation of around 150 students.

The first day kicked off with a warm introduction and motivational speech by the UOM Leo President and the principal of Weragama Vidyalaya. Students were grouped together to partake in engaging activities, carefully designed to enhance leadership skills. The enthusiasm displayed by all participants was truly remarkable.

As the sun set on the first day, the atmosphere was lit up with a campfire, followed by games, songs, and dance. It was a joyous and memorable experience for everyone involved.

The second day commenced with an energetic morning PT session, followed by an entertaining treasure hunting game. Later, a delightful cookery show took place, with student groups showcasing their noodle-making skills. The day concluded with the recognition of outstanding group game winners and the distribution of certificates to all participants.

The success of this leadership program was evident in the happiness expressed by the principal, teachers, and students of Weragama Vidyalaya. As with all projects undertaken by UOM Leos, the camp not only benefited its participants but also contributed positively to the community, reinforcing the club's commitment to making a difference.

කැකුළු පොඩිත්තෝ

        මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජය විසින් සංවිධානය කළ කැකුළු පොඩිත්තෝ ළමා දින අදින වැඩසටහන ඔක්තෝබර් මස පළමුදින දඹාන පරිශ්‍රයේදී ඉතා සාර්ථක අයුරින් පැවැත්විය. මෙහිදී මහියංගණයේ ආදිවාසි දරුවන් සඳහා පොත් පත් ලිපි ද්‍රව්‍ය ලබාදීම සහ දරුවන් සමඟ විනෝදජනක කාලයක් ගත කිරීම අපගේ අරමුණ විය.

     මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සඳහා ප්‍රාථමික ශ්‍රේණියේ දරුවන් තිස් පස් දෙනෙක් සහ දඹාන ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් කිහිප දෙනෙක්ද සහභාගි විය. දීර්ඝ ගමනකින් පසු දඹානට ළඟාවූ ලියෝ වරුන් ඉතා උනන්දුවෙන් සහ උද්යෝගයෙන් මෙම වැඩසටහනට මුල පිරුවෝ . මෙසේ ආරම්භ වූ මෙම වැඩසටහනේදි දරුවන් සමග විවිධ විනෝද ක්‍රීඩා වල නිරත වීමට ඔවුන්ට තෑගිබෝග, පොත් පත්, කැවිලි වර්ග ලබාදීමට අපට හැකි විය.

    පුංචි පොඩිත්තන්ගේ සිනහා මැද ගෙවුණු මෙම දවස ලියෝවරුන්ට විශේෂ අත්දැකීමක් එක් කිරීමට හැකි විය. මෙම දවස අවසාන වූයේ ආදිවාසීන්ගේ සාම්ප්‍රදායික කිරි කොරහ නර්තනය අත්දැකීමෙන් සහ ඌරුවරිගේ වන්නිලා ඇත්තන්ගේ හරබර කතාවකිනි

මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සාර්ථක කර ගැනීම සඳහා අපිට විශේෂයෙන් මැලිබන් සහ  ඇට්ලස් ආයතනය අනුග්‍රහ දැක්විය.දඹානේ කැකුළු කැකුළියන්ට නොවෙනස්වන මතක ගොන්නක් රැගෙන යන්න අපට කැකුළු පොඩිත්තෝ ව්‍යාපෘතිය හරහා හැකි විය .

Future Wave: Shaping Young Innovators for a Better Tomorrow

 Leo Club of University of Moratuwa recently organized an innovative project called "Future Wave," a Robotics and Technological workshop with the collaboration of Gavesha Labs aimed at shaping the lives of young innovators.

 This project was conducted in two phases, with the first phase took place on August 26th at Diwullagoda Maha Vidyalaya and the second phase took place on 25th of September, at Keenadeniya Maha Vidyalaya, Gampaha. We have successfully completed two phases and there are four more phases in the line.

 Students were provided with robotic tools, and mentorship on programming, Robotics, Electronics and Information Technology. By engaging in hands-on activities and interactive sessions, participants were able to enhance their problem-solving abilities and foster creativity.

 The "FutureWave" was a resounding success. It provided a platform for young minds to explore their potential and ignite their passion for technology. We are proud to have played a part in shaping the future generation of innovators.


A group of people in a room

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 On August 13th, Leo Club of University of Moratuwa launched the first phase of their chess project; DEN OF KINGS aiming to empower rural schools through chess education. The project was established in Nelumgama Kanishta Vidyalaya - Badulla, introducing chess to students who had little prior knowledge of the sport. Chess boards were provided for the students, opening a door to a captivating world of strategy and intellect.

Students were grouped and engaged in a learning session where chess basics were taught. Starting with those up to grade 8 and advancing to higher levels, students enthusiastically embraced the new skill. This initiative aimed to nurture critical thinking and decision-making abilities while instilling the joy of learning and strategy.

The project DEN OF KINGS left students eager to continue their chess journey. They were encouraged to practice and were introduced to the prospect of chess camps and competitions. Beyond skill development, this program lightens up ambition and healthy competition, shaping students' attitudes towards excellence and personal growth.

DEN OF KINGS chess project phase 1 empowered students at Nelumgama Kanishta Vidyalaya with a new skill and a vision for future achievements, improving enthusiasm and ambition in a rural education setting.

A group of people in a room

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 Two men pouring water into a wall

Description automatically generatedOn 12th of August, Leo Club of University of Moratuwa  organized a remarkable initiative that brought together students, parents and teachers of Nelumgama Kanishta Vidyalaya - Badulla. By giving students sports shoes, the project aimed to improve their athletic skills. The program showed the school's dedication to developing students' potential and encouraging qualities like discipline and perseverance, creating the foundation for their bright future.

The occasion included overall well-being in addition to shoe distribution. Participants took part in energizing fitness activities that emphasized the value of warm-ups for both physical and mental wellness. Through maintaining a balanced lifestyle, this project seeks to develop not only physical strength but also emotional strength and mental focus.

The project also focused on communication and teamwork among students. Positive comments underlined how well it promoted cooperation and enjoyment. The renovation also improved the play area, increasing the pupils' access to playing areas. The visible joy among the students and parents shows the project's positive impacts on the school community. 

               A group of people posing for a photo

Description automatically generated              A group of people doing a workout

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Speed Green

 In a remarkable display of environmental commitment, the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa orchestrated a successful tree plantation event, "Speed Green," on August 13th, 2023, at Badulla Nelumgama College

The project was done with the intention of participating in an International Mega Club Twinning Project called "Leo Tree Plantation Challenge 2023". This project was initiated by Leo Club of Dhaka Parijat Dynamic & Leo Club of Dhaka Parijat Front Liners -District 315 B1, Bangladesh and Co-Hosted by Leo Club of Dhaka Presidency- District 315 B1, Bangladesh, Leo Club of Colombo Millennium- District 306 A1, Sri Lanka & Leo Club of Itahari Innovation-District 325 C, Nepal.

As part of this meaningful project, 100 trees found their new home in the heart of Badulla. About 20 enthusiastic Leos gathered in Badulla's peaceful setting, sharing a love for environmental protection. The event held with an audience of 30 local villagers, forming a powerful alliance for positive change.

The benefits for the Leos were greater than the physical act; a stronger sense of community and ecological awareness grew. This successful event serves as evidence of the Leo Club's dedication to a greener future and a stronger community.


Life Harvest

 Project Life Harvest is an Organ Donation awareness program organized by the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with Leo District 321-A2. This was launched successfully on 13th August 2023 at Badulla Nelumgama College. 

With the enthusiastic participation of 20 Leos, the event captivated an audience of 50 villagers. The principal of Nelumgama College gave us invaluable assistance in gathering residents from the surrounding villages to the school. This initiative fervently highlighted the importance of organ donation, fostering awareness that can save lives. Here we were able to raise awareness about the significance of organ donation through engaging talks, movie screenings, and interactive sessions. 

At the end of the day, the villagers showed sincere satisfaction with the awareness program, expressing their gratitude and making a number of complimentary remarks. Through this project, the Leos gained invaluable experience in community engagement and leadership. By shedding light on the transformative impact of organ donation, this event epitomized the power of collaboration, education, and compassion to make a meaningful difference in society.

තථාගත වන්දනා

 මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජයේ  20 වන සංවත්සරය පාදක කර ගනිමින් සෙත් පතනු පිණිස බෝධි පූජාමය පිංකමක් සංවිධානය කරන ලදී.

A group of people sitting at a table with food

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අප ලියෝ සමාජයේ සාමාජික සාමාජිකාවන්ගේ සහභාගිත්වයෙන් බොල්ගොඩ ශ්‍රී විජයාරාම විහාරස්ථානය කේන්ද්‍ර කරගනිමින් මෙම පුන්‍යකර්මය සිදු කෙරිණි. ජූලි මස 23 වන දින විහාරස්ථානයේ දී ආගමික වතාවත් සිදුකොට ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේලාට පිරිකර පිළිගන්වා ආගමානුකූලව ලියෝ සමාජයේ ඉදිරි ගමන් මගට මෙසේ ආශිර්වාද එක් කරන ලදී.

A group of people walking under a tree

Description automatically generated A group of people posing for a photo

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LEAP - Phase 02

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. 

                                -John C. Maxwell-

            Through the project "LEAP 22/23", UoM Leos pledged to help the next generation of leaders in previous months. On December 30th, Phase 2 of this project took place at the Badulla Kahataruppa Muthumala Vidyalaya with the participation of about 85 enthusiastic young people. UoM Leos were able to steer the situation and deliver the youngsters the best experience ever despite the difficult weather. The event's schedule began with a motivational session that offered the kids a wealth of insight.

        They were then split up into a few groups, and activities like blind walking, name writing, ball through the hall, and puzzle game were carried out with them to heat up the ambiance and make the scenario more competitive. With the support of everyone, it was successfully carried up despite the numerous obstacles, notably the rainy weather. At the end of the day, there was a fire camp, which delighted not only the children but also the Leos with an incredible experience. The evening became increasingly spectacular due to the multiple of dance activities and songs.

            LEAP- Phase 2 was planned as a one-day program, unlike LEAP- Phase 1. Yet, it was arranged chronologically so that the program's initiatives could be nicely addressed. LEAP- Phase 2 was also a great success due to the engagement of UoM Leos, the children, and the community. We sincerely hope that we were able to influence those young people in a way that would lead to a better future with outstanding leaders.






Project Renovatio is all about renovating a railway station in a rural district in order to make it a pleasant place to pass by. The railway station which was renovated in this project is a rural railway station in Kurunegala District. It is the Nailiya Railway Station. The project was held on the 26th of February, 2023.

The dilapidated areas of the railway station were repaired and painted, and also flower plants were planted to improve the beauty of the surroundings. New water faucets were installed in the station which makes the passengers easy to access their primary needs.

සුරැකෙමු අපි සැවොම

 සුරැකෙමු අපි  සැවොම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සිදු කෙරුණේ මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජයේ මූලිකත්වයෙනි. මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සිදු වූයේ පාරිසර හා ස්වාභාවික විපත් කළමනාකරණය යන අංශය යටතේ මෙය පැවැත්වුණේ අවිස්සාවේල්ල, පල්ලෙවත්ත, රක්කනාව ඇල්ල යන ස්ථානයේදීය.

මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතියේ දී මූලික වශයෙන් සිදු වූයේ නායයෑම් පිළිබඳව ප්‍රදේශයේ මහ ජනතාව දැනුවත් කිරීමේ වැඩසටහනකි. බහුලව නාය යන  ප්‍රදේශයක් වන මෙම ප්‍රදේශයේ වැසියන්ට මෙම වැඩසටහන මගින් මහඟු පිටුවහලක් වුණු බවට සැකයක් නැත.එසේම මෙහි විශේෂත්වය වන්නේ එම වැඩසටහන හා සම්බන්ධ වූ වැසියන්ට ප්‍රදේශයේ සිටින බලයලත් නිලධාරීන් සමග තම තමන්ට පවතින ගැටළු සාකච්ජා කිරීමට හැකියාව ලැබීමයි.ඊට අමතරව රක්කනාව ඇල්ල අසල පවතින අපිරිසිදු ස්ථාන සුද්ද පවිත්‍ර කිරීමද මෙහිදී සිදු විය .

Paint their world

 As we all know cancer is a non communicable disease that anyone can get affected regardless of age or gender. So we should be helpful and kind to the people who are already affected by cancers.

‘Paint their World’ is a project done by the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa collaborating with the Lions Club of Dehiwala, in order to bring a smile on the innocent faces in Karapitiya Cancer Hospital. In this project we cleaned and painted the beds, cupboards, trolleys and lockers on the floor of the hospital. We were able to complete this project effectively with the help of all the Leos and Lions who helped in the process. 

Break the Ice

 ‘Break the Ice’ is an international project launched by Leo District 321 – A2. This project is initiated in the aim of donating warm clothes and essential items to people all over the world. They collaborated with numerous social service clubs and Leo clubs of different countries. 

Leo Club of University of Moratuwa and Leo Club of Matara Nilwala are the clubs that joined hands with this internationally recognized project. As a Leo club which is representing Sri Lanka we, UoM Leos joined with we donated uniform materials for students of Nadugala Vidyalaya, Matara. This project was held on 26th of January 2023.

Leos from both clubs joined hands to make this project a success. Both the children and the students were happy by this noble deed.

Beyond the Sight

Differently abled people are the people who need more love and care in this society. As most of them are cornered or being addressed by their disability these people do not like to come forward and show their talents. It is a great misfortune prevailing in this society. We, UoM Leos, thought of adding color to their darkened lives by letting them showcase their hidden talents.

Have you ever seen a blind person sewing clothes? Or even have you ever imagined a blind person with a needle in her hand? If I was asked this question a few weeks ago, the answer would be a big no. But I witnessed it by myself on 28th March. I saw how talented those individuals were and how beautiful their products were.

UoM Leos gathered those talented individuals on the rooftop of Sentra Court of University of Moratuwa and made some space for them to sell their products while showcasing their talents at the same time. This event happened from 9.00 a.m onwards. They had a variety of products from mats to handbags. The prices were really reasonable. Most of the university staff and university students joined this moment to buy beautifully hand-stitched products for affordable prices. These people got a unique chance to showcase their products as well.

හරිත හෙටක්

ගං ඉවුරු ඛාදනය වීම මෑත අතීතයේ සිට ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ බොහෝ ගංගා ආශ්‍රිතව දැක ගැනීමටහැකි සිදුවීමකි. මෙය ස්වාභාවික හේතු නිසා මෙන්ම විවිධ මිනිස් ක්‍රියාකාරකම් නිසා ද වර්තමානය වන විට දැවැන්ත වශයෙන් සිදු වෙයි. මෙය වළක්වා ගැනීම සඳහා ලියෝවරු වශයෙන් අපට ගත හැකි පියවරක් මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය මගින් සිදු කරන ලදී. මහවැලි ගඟෙහි ඉවුරු ආරක්ෂා කරගැනීමේ අරමුණෙන් ක්‍රියාත්මක වූ හරිත හෙටක් ව්‍යාපෘතියයටතේ මහවැලි B කලාපයේ, වැලිකන්ද, වඩමුණේ පාලම අසල සිට මහවැලි ගඟ දෙපස ඉවුරු ඛාදනය වූ ස්ථාන වල කුඹුක් පැල 500ක් සිටුවීමේ ව්‍යාපෘතිය වන හරිත හෙටක් ව්‍යාපෘතිය 18.03.2023 හා 19.03.2023 යන දෙදින පුරාවට එම ස්ථානයේදී පවත්වන ලදී. මෙම ව්‍යාපෘතිය සඳහා කුඹුක් පැල ලබා දෙන ලද්දේ ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහවැලි අධිකාරිය මගින් වන අතර ඒ වෙනුවෙන් අපගේ විශේෂ ස්තූතිය ඔවුන්ට හිමිවිය යූතුමය.

Serving Weekend

Serving weekend is one of the greatest projects that has been launched by Leo Club of University of Moratuwa. This project is organized to serve several groups of people in a village in a single weekend with a multitude of projects at once. Serving Weekend is a project that contains several projects in one project. This was held on 4th and 5th of March at Kumburugamuwa, Kolonna Village in Ratnapura District. 

The whole weekend was comprised of several sub projects; Shilpsara, Sureki Yawwanaya, Isiwara Pawura Health Camp and  Sabandi Yathra. This was an amazing project and all the Leos worked so hard to make this project a reality. They worked as groups with several sub projects with different groups to launch all four projects. Also this journey to Kumburugamuwa village was another newest experience for everyone. Within the weekend, Leo Club of University of Moratuwa managed to leave a good impression on everyone's heart by successfully completing the project serving weekend

වියත් අරුණ

වියත් අරුණ යනු වියපත් දෑතට සවියක් වනු රිසින් මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජය විසින් කන්තලේ ගන්තලාව ප්‍රදේශය අරමුණු කරගනිමින් වැඩිහිටියන් සවිබල ගැන්වීම වෙනුවෙන් දියත් කල ව්‍යාපෘතියකි. මෙය පෙබරවාරි මස 17 වන දින උදෑසන 9.00 සිට ශ්‍රී බෝධි මණ්ඩලාරාමය විහාරස්ථානයේ දී සිදු කෙරුණි. මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජය, ප්‍රාදේශීය විදාතා සම්පත් මධ්‍යස්ථානය හා ඒකාබද්ධව ස්වයං රැකියා පුහුණුවක් ලබාදීමට සහ මහජන සෞඛ්‍ය කාර්යාලය සමගින් එක්ව සෞඛ්‍ය කඳවුරක් පැවැත්වීම සහ ඇස් කණ්ණාඩි බෙදාදීම, තවද කන්තලේ මූලික  රෝහලට අවශ්‍ය ලක්ශ දෙකකට අධික දියවැඩියාව ඖෂධ බෙදා දීමද මෙදින සිදු කරන ලදි.

මෙම කර්තව්‍යය සාර්ථක කරගැනීම සඳහා එදින මහජන සෞඛ්‍ය නිලධාරීන් සහ අනිකුත් සෞඛ්‍ය අංශ නිලධාරීන්ගේ සහය ලැබුණු අතර ග්‍රාම නිලධාරී අරුණ බංඩාර මහතාගේ සහ විදාතා සම්පත් මධ්‍යස්ථානය  නිලධාරී ලක්මින පීරිස් මහතාගේ විශේෂ සහයක් ලැබුනි. එදින ව්‍යාපෘතිය සමගින් ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් 350ක් පමණ එකවූ අතර ඔවුන් වෙනුවෙන් සංවිධානය කර තිබූ සෞඛ්‍ය කඳවුර සහ ව්‍යවසායකයන් වශයෙන් කුඩා ව්‍යාපාරයක් ආරම්භක කිරීමේ වැඩපිළිවෙළ සම්බන්ධයෙන් මනා දැනුමක් ලබාදීමට අපට හැකියාව ලැබුනි. තවද ව්‍යාපෘතියේ ඉදිරි පියවරක් වශයෙන් සාර්ථකව ව්‍යාපාරය පවත්වාගෙන යන අයවළුන් උදෙසා අපගේ සහයෝගය ලබා දීමටද කටයුතු සූදානම් වෙමින් පවතී

සුන්දර කන්තලේ ගන්තලාව  ප්‍රදේශයේ වැඩිහිටියන් පිරිසක් වෙනුවෙන් මෙලෙස අපගේ යුතුකම ඉටුකරලන්නට මොරටුව විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයීය ලියෝ සමාජයේ අපට හැකියාව ලැබීම සතුටට කරුණකි.