A2 Sports Day

The A2 Sports Day organized by Leo District 306 A2 was held on 18th of December 2022, at the Polwatta Football ground. The sports tournament was held to showcase the sports skills of the Leos of Leo District 306 A2.  Here, Leos were classified under three houses related to the three regions belonging to Leo District 306 A2, and the three houses were Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin respectively. Regional Directors of Leo District 306 A2 led the three houses.

Director of Region A, Leo Thisuri Nisalya was the house captain of house Slytherin. Leo Sandani Asha, Director of Region B was the captain of house Gryffindor. The house captain of Ravenclaw was Leo Sachintha Kapuge, Director of Region C. Competition events were classified as track, field, swimming and team events and sports events were held under them.  At the end of the day, Gryffindor House won the overall championship of the tournament.

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