Alarm for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a disease that causes high blood sugar. It occurs due to the high level of glucose in the blood. This has become a silent killer in the world, now has become a threat to Sri Lankan society too.
UoM Leos, as always, has taken an immense effort to identify and eradicate Type B diabetes from society as it has become the most common type of diabetes as of now. Due to insufficient insulin production from the pancreas, type B diabetes occurs.
Alarm for Diabetes was the project conducted by UoM Leos on 2nd January 2020 at Goda Canteen of the University of Moratuwa to raise awareness on type B diabetes. A questionnaire was given to the participants and according to the answers provided, the risk of type B diabetes getting infected was evaluated. The participants with risk were advised to take corrective actions to prevent the threat. The project ended with the happiness of securing the lives of our society as much as possible.




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