LEAP 3.0
Schooling time is the epoch, where children are enthusiastic for leadership experiences. This age can be a wedge stone in one's life that focuses him on a way, in which his future depends on, while that can either be a success or the opposite of it. It is obvious that proper guidance would direct one on the correct path, and influence on his/her future in a fruitful manner.
Leos are the pioneers of taking the social responsibility of guiding the future generation and showing them the way to success. With the vision of a better future, Leo Club of the University of Moratuwa conducted LEAP Phase 3 on 30th of December 2018 with the students of Sankalpa Dhamma School in Moratuwa at the Dhamma school premises. The leadership camp has consisted of leadership development activities, games and fun activities which made each and every student show their skills. The hike organized for the students reinforced the strengths and talents within them with the team spirit.
The end of the camp was more delightful with a fire camp. Everyone had more fun with the activities related to the campfire and there, the students took that opportunity to show up their aesthetic talents with no stage fear. Students were able to have a great experience, which they could never achieve only through books and school curriculum. The Leos themselves were able to witness the outcome before their eyes. The day remarked a successful and a happy ending along with the emotional, heart-warming feedbacks of the students who are ready to shoulder the future of this country as leaders.
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