Leo Conference 2008 ! Well Done from DCL Lion Noel Palliyaguru


District governor Lion Kamal Visited our home last evening. He praised you all. He praised that this was the most marvelous Leo conference he has ever participated. I was so happy that i felt like floating in the sky!


My dear Leos ! you have done it. You have performed cleverly and you have made it a challenge to others. New Leos who came from far away areas would have brought back unforgettable memories with them.


Novel experiences and sweet memories that they gathered would echo within their ear drums for years.


All the Lions participated admired the entire conference. Lion Kanchana , Lion Shyana and Lion Shehan Kumar were among them.


You have proven that you are better than any other Leo in this country.


I am proud of you all !!


Lion Noel Palliyaguru

District Chairman for Leos

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Leo Conference 2008 of District 306 A2 will go down in history as one of the best ever. Especially when some other Leo Conferences were not much better than a Club Installation :)

Everything was very well organised and what was most remarkable was the fact that the hall was completely full by the start of the Business Session!

While some other District's Leaders were too busy doing unimportant things and going after undue recognition the leaders of 306 A2 stuck to the basics and did the right thing and showed that the friendships and togethernes of the District is more important than personal glory!!!

All the Best Guys !

Lion Shehan Kumar - ILO
Past Multiple District President