o Venue : Mechanical Auditorium – University of Moratuwa.
o Date : 5th of August 2007.
o Time : 6.30pm
o Project Chairman : Leo Hewage Sameera.
o Introducing an innovative idea to the leoism of LEO club of University of Moratuwa.
o Improving the leadership skills of Leos.
o Improving communication skills of Leos.
o Awareness for Leo Movement.
o Improving the ability to speak in English.
How this idea got in to my mind
It is a Sunday me and my friend given oaths in front of Mr. noel palliyaguru to be an energetic LEO for this LEO movement after a little while at the interval he came to us to speak some words with us and told to us it is very good to follow a speech craft programme to improve our speaking abilities. Actually it is true as engineers as youths who are the future leaders of this mother lanka must have very good communication skills. That’s why I decided to conduct a speech craft programme in our university for the benefit of our fellow LEOs.
About this project...
This was an innovative idea for our fellow LEOs. Each meeting contains 3 sessions.
o Round robin session
o Ice breaking session
o Prepared speech session
This project continues for 8 weeks.
Round robin session.....
In this session every participant has to speak about 30 seconds. This session is an very interesting session. The speaker has to start his speech from the last word the previous speaker ended his speech. As an example think that previous speaker ended his speech from cat the next speaker has to start his speech from the word cat.
In this session the speaker have to present his speech without any preparation so he presents his ideas in very interesting manner and the things in the bottom of his heart so this session attracts fellow Leo’s heart very much.
Ice breaking session.....
From the name we can understand about this session. A speaker who speaks first time in this type of session is called an ice breaker it means that he is loosing his fear for speaking, breaking ice. In this session a speaker has to speak five minutes.
There are evaluators an ah counter, a grammarian, time counter.
In this session a speaker has to speak 5 minutes under a simple topic. After the 1st 3 minutes clap one time, after 1st 4 minutes clap twice and after 5 minutes clap and he has to stop his speech.
Prepared speech session.....
In this session the speaker has to present a 5 minutes speech the topic must be something relevant to the audience that speech should drag the audience. He must have a very good eye contact with the audience. He must have good postures relevant to his speech.
In this session also the timer claps at 3rd, 4th, and 5th minutes. The speaker must also consider about the time. He must try to stop his speech on time. That’s why we named this session as prepared speech session. He must prepare for his speech very well.
Thank you....
o Senior Treasurer Mr. A.TL.K. Samarasinghe
o Patron Dr. Saman Thilakasiri
o Lion lady Meena Wellala who participated to the 1st session
o All Leos and Leo prospects for their participation.
good project...Keep it up....
nice roar.....keep it up! found u in a search LEO CLUB haha
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