
A job interview is one of the best opportunities for everyone to market their own skills and talents. Therefore, we as youngsters should have the right confidence for facing such an event. Because confidence is one of the most important things we can bring to a job interview. 

Therefore we, the Leo Club of the University of Moratuwa together with the Leo Club of Dehiwala East organized Jobology with the aim of discussing how to be a prepared and confident interviewee at a job interview. Accordingly, Jobology was carried out on 3rd April from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. at the Leo Activity Centre.

Leo Mudith Jayasekara the Secretary of Leo Multiple District 306 and the Immediate Past District President of Leo District 306A2 participated there at Jobology to guide us and assure our confidence at facing interviews through his years of experience. His valuable advice and the interactive way of addressing us proved that we have successfully reached a very much valuable event during those few hours.

Stimulus Phase 2

a newsletter is a platform to represent the club’s image to the world while sharing our creativity with others.

Thus, having the experience of glorious 16 years in publishing newsletters, Leo Club of University of Moratuwa commenced the project “Stimulus Phase 2” with the request that came from most of the Leo clubs after conducting "Stimulus Phase 1". We organized this project to share our knowledge on both designing and editing sectors with our fellow clubs in Leo Multiple District 306. The event was held via zoom on the 27th of March 2021. Our main objectives were to encourage and help the clubs that are not yet publishing a newsletter to get into the field without anxiety and to share our knowledge with everyone interested in the area.

This time the whole programme was directed by the Director of IT, IT panellists and editorial panellists of Leo Club of the University of Moratuwa. This project was completed successfully with the participation of nearly 100 participants. We got amazing feedback from our fellow leos as this was an indeed project for all Leo clubs.

Power Core

Power is an essential need of humans. When someone is on the way or in a public area they might get many difficulties due to the battery level of their devices like mobile phones running out and as a solution for that issue, we decided to launch the project “Power Core”.Power Core was another aspiring attempt that could be successfully wielded in Matara Railway Station on 13th of March from 8.00 a.m. by Leo Club of University of Moratuwa together with the Leos of Leo Club of Kalubowila. At this project, we installed a public charging point in Matara Railway station, with the intention of providing the public with the service of an outdoor PowerPoint to charge their devices.

We could feel satisfaction with humble happiness through the favourable and appreciative comments we gained from the office in charge and the staff of the Matara Railway Station and the public.