A way to open an eye is to enter the world we awaited. It is all about a path to achieve the skill for CV writing and Interview facing to conquer the job market. That is why they are so much important and people should concern about it more. So, we as the Leo club of University of Moratuwa decided to organize a workshop on CV writing and Interview facing mainly targeting the final year undergraduates of the was really important to them, because after few months they have to enter the occupational world.
      How to prepare for the job market the CV writing and Interview facing skill development work shop was held on 10th of December at 4.30 pm. The resource person was Mrs. Bernadine Fernando who works at Holcim Lanka Ltd. as a Talent Acquisition & Development Manager.

           The workshop was held throughout more than one hour with the participation of more than 80 undergraduates of the university. Mrs. Bernadine Fernando through her presentations clearly explained how to write a proper CV and how to face for a job interview in a proper way with her experiences with us and it was a great help to widen our knowledge about CV writing and Interview facing.

It was successful social service project conducted by the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa and also it was very valid for our future.

undergraduates of the university. Mrs. Bernadine Fernando through her presentations clearly explained how to write a proper CV and how to face for a job interview in a proper way with her experiences with us and it was a great help to widen our knowledge about CV writing and Interview facing. 
It was a successful social service project conducted by the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa and also it was very valid for our future.


               With the objectives of Building up Relationship between Sinhalese and Tamils, Provide helping hand for war affected School children, Sharing different cultures with each other, Educate and enlighten students regarding career opportunities, Support rural school children at Mullativu, Soft Skill development of students, and Enhance fellowship among Leos of different Leo Clubs a mega multi service project was held from 17th to 19th November 2013.

                    9 Leo Clubs of Leo District 306 A2 were part of Organizing this Mega Project, including the Leo club of University of Moratuwa. Around 40 Leos, Lions and Parents were participated for the event and it was a great experience.

Inauguration Ceremony for the Jeewana Yathra 2013 was held on 18th November 2013 at 8.30am at National School Auditorium, Mullativu and there was a seminar for O/L students of that school. A carrier guidance workshop for A/L students were held at Wattappalei Vidyalaya, Mullativu and it was helpful for them to decide the direction of their lives. There was a carrier guidance programme for school leavers also, in Sri Lanka Unites Centre, Mullativu with the participation of Mr. Aruna, A Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya, as the chief guest. QIB campus gave a good support.

                  It was became an interesting project with an art competition and a camp fire. Books and other stationary items were donated for needy children.
It was a good project which achieved a great success with the unity of the Leos of 306A2.

Api Akurata Meli Nowemu | Helping Hand for GCE O/L Students

                     It is a great thing to give knowledge what we gained, and share experiences what we have, with others. It will help others to learn lessons from our experiences.

With the purpose of giving guidance to O/L students in Badulla area “Api Akurata Mali Nowemu”O/L seminar was held at Madawela Maha Vidyalaya, Welimada. Project phase 1 was held on 28th November 2013 from 4.00 p.m.
       At this session UoM Leos distributed Mathematics and Science papers among students, gave the chance to find answers and finally discussed them. Questions were asked from students and given gifts were given for correct answers. It was a motivation to them.

              After the paper discussion session, it was the time for giving advices through the experiences of UoM Leos. UoM Leos guided the school students how to choose correct questions, how to write answers, how to structure the answers and how to manage the time in a proper manner. Those were very important to them.

         It was not only a project, but a service to school students. They have appreciated the project very much. With the great success of this project, Leos have gained self satisfaction as well.

           Students...... They are like blooming flowers. But as water, sunlight to flowers...., students need knowledge and experiences.
     As it is end of November GCE Ordinary Level exam is rush.  Leo Club of University of Moratuwa decided to do a helping hand project for the students with limited facilities and proper educational environment. With their economic problems these innocents don’t have a chance to have private educational methods. So UoM Leos have decided to provide some learning materials and their best assist to improve these kids knowledge about science and mathematics.

     The place was B/Hinnarangolla vidyalaya located in Boralanda. With the objectives of giving knowledge to score in exams without reducing easy marks, motivating the students to face the exam in a comfortable way without any fear for the exam, giving them an idea of higher education and their opportunities, a seminar was held on 29th November 2013 from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

         This was mostly like “Api Akurata Mali Nowemu phase 1”, Science and mathematics papers were distributed and discussed, some parts of the syllabus were taught again, children were motivated for the exam thorough the experiences of UoM Leos and they were inspired by making understand the value of higher education. All the students of grade 11 have participated for the programme and it was a great success.

              Our special thanks should go to Leo Sajith Senevirathne for contacting the school and the principal of B/Hinnarangolla vidyalaya for giving permission to carry out the project. At last UoM Leos have decided to carry out more projects like this to help kids around the country that want the helping hand so badly.