4th Annual Leo District Conference

Leo District Conference is the most important event of a leo district. It's at the conference we select the future leaders of leo district and appreciate the performance of the leo clubs and individuals. This conference is going to be a memorable one because leo council is planning to give away many awards and have a fun filled conference which would be a memorable one in your life !!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
2:00pm - 7:00pm
Hotel School Auditorium , Kolluppitiya

Leo Pen Pals Program

Leo Pen Pal program is to make knowledge and tie relationships among Leos around the world.Leoism, being a international moment, now has 5,755 certified Leo clubs worldwide andan estimated Leo membership of 143,875 in 140 countries.

Leo Club of University of Moratuwa is proud to lauch "Leo Pen Pals" program under the theme "Friendship to hold the world together". Leo Club of Kathmandu Capital from Nepal, Leo Club of Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School from USA, Leo Club of Thies form Senegal and Leo District 412, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe join their hands with us in making relationships.

So, Leos please join us and strart making friends. For more details and to how to join, email us at isuru@leodistrict306a2.org

Soorya Mangalyaya 2009

Soorya Mangalyaya Celebration - 2009
will be held on 5th of April 2009
from 9.00 am onwards
at University of Moratuwa grounds.
Come and enjoy the Traditional Aurudu Celebrations and Sinhala Games. Keep the date free!!

Organized by
Leo clubs of University of Moratuwa,Kalubowila,Werahera,Dehiwala (East),
Piliyandala & Kolonnawa

Leo (Web) TV Comming Soon

An advertisement spread through email provided us a hint of that a new internet television channel for Leos will be commenced soon. Media unit of Leo District 306 A2 has called for volunteer Leos to join with them in making videos/animation for the new channel.

Meanwhile sources from the District Council confirmed that test transmission is planned to be commenced soon through http://www.leodstrict306a2.org.

Leo Camp 2009 :: 5 More Days to begin the Fun

The time has again come for the most awaited Leo Camp 2009.
It's just 5 more days left to begin the three days of full fun and joy at Rathnasiri Wichramanayake Training Center, Hanthana, Kandy.

Registration fee - 1600 LKR

Hurry up and register now..

for more details contact
Leo Dinusha -0772548691, Leo Thilini - 0713195633