Leo Cricket Carnival 2008 - Thank you all !!

Leo Club of University of Moratuwa , together with the Leo Club of Moragahahena and organized a wonderful cricket carnival at the University of Moratuwa on 23rd February 2008 . Nearly 85 Leos and Lions attended this event. This event was attended by both district 306 A1 and 306 A2. Nearly 11 clubs (13 Teams) were represented in this event

Leo Club of Bokundara
Leo Club of Colombo (Host)
Leo Club of Colombo Millennium
Leo Club of Moratuwa
Leo Club of Moratuwa Rathmalana
Leo Club of Moragahahena
Leo Club of Piliyandala
Leo Club of Prince of Wales College
Leo Club of Rattnapitiya
Leo Club of University of Moratuwa
Leo Club of Werahera

Girls cricket team of the Leo Club of University of Moratuwa won the Winners award in the Girls category, while the Moragahahena Team won the Runner Up.

The final battle for the victory was between Leo club of Moratuwa Rathmalana (A1) and Leo Club of University of Moratuwa (A2). The Moratuwa Ratmalana team emerged as winners.

"I wish to congratulate Leo clubs of Univerisity of Moratuwa and Moragahahena for organizing this wonderful event for the second consecutive time. it proved that together Leos could achieve more and more ! " - Leo Nadeesha Ranganath Palliyaguru (District President 306 A2)

Thank you all Leos who supported us to make this event a great success !!

"Pirith Pinkama"

The "Pirith Pinkama", will be held on 14th of March 2008, 7.00 pm onwards
at Lions' Activity Center, Colombo - 07.
A collaborative effort of Leo Clubs of
University of Moratuwa - A2
Colombo (Host) - A1
Kolonnawa - C1

Annual Blood Donation

The Season is Always Right For Giving Blood

The Annual Blood Donation Campaign
will be held on 5th of March 2008
9.00 am onwards
at Health Center, University of Moratuwa

"We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give do. Yet sooner or later, virtually all of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood. And that time is all too often unexpected."

Give Blood, Give the Gift of Life


Leo Cricket Carnival 2008

It's Happening Again..
Leo Cricket Carnival 2008
on Saturday, 23rd of February
at 9.00 am Onwards
at University of Moratuwa Grounds.
If you are a cricketer but don’t have a regular team, just give a call to Leo Namal Karunaratne (071 6397061) and he will put you in touch with teams looking for players. (Simply a combined team)
Start Practicing Now !!
More info:
Leo Namal - 071 6397061
Leo Kaneel – 0773 839947

District Contest - End of October

ClubMarks for OctoberTotal Marks

Camp reunion...




On Saturday, 23rd February 2008, Leo Clubs of University of Moratuwa and Moragahahena, District 306 A2, will host annual Leo 6-a-side Cricket tournament. The action will start at 09:00AM go on until evening.

If you are a cricketer but don’t have a regular team, just give a call to Leo Namal Karunaratne (071 6397061) and he will put you in touch with teams looking for players. (Simply a combined team)

Date - 23rd February 2007
Time - 9.00AM onwards
Venue - University grounds, Moratuwa

All the Leos are welcome so come along to the University Grounds, Moratuwa on the 23rd.

More info:
Leo Namal - 071 6397061
Leo Kaneel – 0773 839947

Hope to see you all !!!


What campers have to say after successful leo camp - 2008

Leo Heshan
Leo Club of Colombo (Host)
This was my first Leo Youth camp and without any doubt I could say that it’s been a memorable event for me. At the beginning I was anticipating only for a fun event. But the organizing team was able to evolve this event to a collection of a fun, educational and moral boosting event. Ultimately, in my own words... the event was a blast.

Yes, we needed to wake up early morning, work according to a very tight schedule, but what really amplified through these tasks was very important. I learned more about both my physical and mental capabilities. What am I good at, and what I need to improve on. I learnt both aspects of a team player and a team leader. I learnt to stand out from the crowd and make myself “heard”. Some tasks were both physically and mentally challenging, which I think was incredibly beneficial, thus enabling me to push my own boundaries further than ever and expose myself to new experiences.

The organizing team was a clear inspiration. It’s not easy to manage 60 to 65 people for continuous three day period. There hardly were any errors, and the organizers totally proved themselves to us on their expertise in event planning. Their commitment and dedication and commitment to make this task a hit, was golden.
Leo Charitha Liyanage
Leo Club of Piliyandala
Throughout the camp we gain loads of things to our lives. We had the opportunity of acquainting different people and learn about team spirit, time management, self confidence, sportsmanship and lot more. Even though there were some misunderstandings, we manage to overcome them and achieve our goal. Basically, the camp was truly good and exhilarating. I sincerely thank everyone who works really hard on giving us this tremendous opportunity!
Leo Leyon
Leo Club of Colombo Millennium

This CAMP was the best I have attended. The Location was excellent had ample space. More over since it was in Ratnapura, everyone got the chance of getting to know each other on the way. Food was good.

Asitha and the committee did a superb job. Also Good Discipline was maintained.
The Parliamentary debate was more like a quarrel. This was not the way it used to be before. At the end the essence was lost… We can probably introduce a bit of calmness (not a lot) so as to make it end like a debate.
I’m delighted to tell you that this camp was just excellent. Sorry for those who missed it. It was a bad miss for them.

Leo Sumudu
Leo Club of Colombo (Host)
Camp in my point of view was a really success. It made a big change in these two districts, 306 A1& A2. Being a committee member, I am proud about the ultimate result of all the sacrifices made.

Though we generally expect a camp to be an event packed with games & excitement, the camp co chairpersons were able to add novelty by introducing a seminar on Leadership Development. I believe we achieved more than what we seek for. Got new contacts, had fun and in plain enjoyed to the greatest extent.


Leo Sanjaya
Leo club of Wadduwa Metro
The District Presidents and the organizing committee did a great job for all of our Leo members of 306 A1-A2. That Camp can be appreciated by all of our Leos who participated for the camp, we learnt many things form that Leo Camp, like, how to get on with various type of people and work as a team and also that was really help full to build up our capabilities and the relationship.
And I think if a real Leo goes to a Leo Camp like that He or She will never forget to take part that opportunity once again. It was a Wonderful Leo Camp and I hope the same will continue in the future.
Leo Isuru Senadheera
Leo Club of University of Moratuwa
In order to rise to the challenges and in keeping with the Leo motto of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity , Every year a Leo Camp is organized.
This year Leo camp is much more special one because it renovated the brotherhood of two Leo districts which were separated some times back. It was something special for me also since it was the first time I have ever participated to a youth camp. In my personal opinion, it was the best event I have ever participated as a Leo.

Through this camp I got lot of valuable Experiences to my life. The values of Working on time, team work, etc are endless. Small games on team building added a meaningful joy there. Everything was new to me.

One thing I realized during the camp is how exercises keep our lives fresh. In those three days I felt a real difference. Normally I was really difficult me to work on time. But however I had to do it to secure our team.
Some Leos mentioned they did stuff on camp which they never did before in there lives. That was really great.

The session we had on LEADERSHIP was excellent! That lecture motivated all of us to be a pioneer in the society. The games like treasure hunting brought a real CHALLENGE to our lives. The camp fire, parliament debate and drama sessions provided us the OPPORTUNITY to come up with our capabilities.
Finally, looking back the camp, it was a real success which built the UNITY among the two districts. I feel what we built there was a brotherhood. So, a Leo camp is a unique place to build relationship, to gain lot of experiences and to build your personality. If you look back to this article again, you will find that all the things of ‘Leadership-Experience-Opportunity’ and ‘Unity through Challenge’ are among my experiences in the camp. So I recommend to all Leos not to miss a camp in future.

Finally, as a Leo as well as a member of organizing committee, let me congratulate Leo Asitha, Buddhi, Nadeesha and Ricky for the job well done. And I also suggest holding a joint camp next year as well.


Leo Nadee
Leo Club of Colombo (Host)

Leo camp 2007/2008 was my 1st Leo camp and my very first camp in my life time. I was so much of fun to be with Leos from many walks of life. From the beginning to the end I enjoyed the company of all the Leos and Lions as well.

It would have been more fun if we were given a bit more time to rest and sleep. Especially as soon as we reached the camp.

I think next time a small print of the camp time table has to be given to each and every participant rather than pasting it in the main hall. And camp chairman/s must communicate accurately. Because we were mislead 2, 3 times due to miscommunication.
But overall I would like to say it was a great event. On the 2nd of February I embarked on a journey that was to be the most enjoyable 3 days of my life.

Leo Chavindra Sanders
Leo Club of Moratuwa-Ratmalana
Day 1

After a long journey we arrived at the International Center for Training Rural Leaders, Yodhagama – Embilipitiya. We were taken to the ‘Parliament’ which was declared as the Head Quarters of the camp. I consider it a great honour that I was chosen to lead our group the ‘Embili-pits’.

We participated in different team building activities. The quiz competition is where our group shined, winning the first place. The day ended with a talent show providing every one with a chance to bring out their different talents.

Day 2
By 5.30 in the morning everyone was up and about and getting ready for the morning PT session. After the exercise we engaged in a treasure hunt. We searched high and low of every nook and corner looking for clues. After an inspiring presentation on leadership and vision we headed for the play ground for the cricket tournament. Even the girls played an active role in this game.

After a humorous parliament session with a new ‘Senkolaya’ we proceeded to the camp fire area. Even though it was drizzling the Leos stood their ground and went on with the magnificent event of the Camp Fire , which started off with a colourful fire works display. As the fire slowly died down it brought to an end of another amazing day of the camp.
Day 3

The hike is one of the best team building activities we went through. From crawling under bridges to walking on suspended ropes, from running through bushes to jumping over high walls. From the strongest to the weakest member we all helped each other to get through each obstacle. Both girls in our group participated in this daring event. After the exiting hike we had a mock meeting followed by a hilarious ‘mada’ presentation. This brought the end of the camp events.

I won the Most Tidiest Camper award (to the surprise of my parents).

As we packed our bags to leave the thought that was in all our minds was”I can’t wait till the next Leo Camp in 2009!!

JOB WELL DONE Organizing Team....