“A drop of blood can save lives!”

"We all expect blood to be there for us, but barely a fraction of those who can give do. Yet sooner or later, virtually all of us will face a time of great vulnerability in which we will need blood. And that time is all too often unexpected."

Give Blood, Give the Gift of Life

The annual blood donation campaign of the Leo club of university of Moratuwa was held on 24th November 2009 at the university health center. It was a successful event from the beginning and more than 175 donors donated their blood on this occasion.
This is the 6th time in UOM Leo history we conducted a Blood Donation Campaign, and this time the occasion was held in memorial of Mahesh Abaywickrama and Piyumal Gunawardane and all of the soldiers who fought for the sake of the country. The project was carried as a joint project with our parent lion club Lions club of Dehiwala North.
We would like to thanks all the blood detonators , staff of the blood bank ,staff of the university health center and all the others who helped us to success this event.

Getting started to the event,

It was started,

Crowd was so enthusiastic,

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