Three or four gentlemen staring at you, focus on you and about to ask an question, an important and special question which decides your whole way to go…..
“Ok! Tell me, why you should be selected for this position?”

“aerrr…..  ahm…. Ah… oh…, well …. I…………………………”

So, are you ready?

We UoM LEOs were keen on the situation and thought of improving university students before this awkward moment. 
 As regards, the past president of LEO district 306 A2, LEO Isuru Senadheera was the guest speaker for the occasion on 4th of July. His experiences in facing for interviews as well as interviewing somebody else made participants strong in facing for a board of white collars.
Turning into preparing a CV it makes us little anxious. What should be written? Is it the proper way of mentioning a skill or a talent? This is confusing…This session gave an idea to prepare a correct CV in the formal manner.
The session was conducted focusing on the applicants for the board of directors for the upcoming Leostic year and for sure they might have taken the maximum out of it…  

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